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CSRS Certified Therapist Directory Information

In order to ensure the CSRS Certified Therapist Directory is up to date, we will periodically ask that you provide information for your listing in this directory. This is the information  visible to someone searching the directory for a therapist near them.

We understand that often you provide us during CSRS registration a personal email, home address or personal cell phone number as part of the registration.  However, for people seeking a CSRS Specialist, the information you would like them to see might be different.  Therefore, by updating your information here we can ensure that the directory reflects the correct information.

This information is solely used for the directory.  We will continue to use the information you provided us in the past (e.g. your email) to send your CSRS renewal information.  If you would like a change to your email or name for your CSRS renewal, please contact our business manager at

  • Enter your first and last name to be listed, along with any credentials you want included. For example: John Smith, PT, DPT, CSRS
  • If you would like for the hospital/facility you work to be displayed in the directory, please include the name here.
  • Enter the address that will be added to the map. Do not use your personal residence unless that is where you practice.
  • Enter the phone number that will be listed in the directory.
  • Enter the email address you would like listed in the directory.
  • Enter only the 4 digit year (YYYY). This information is not displayed but helps us search for you in our database to verify you are a certified CSRS specialist.
  • If you registered for the CSRS under a different name/email and that is the one we have on file for CSRS renewal information, etc. Please indicate it here. This helps us verify you are a CSRS Specialist.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.